Monday, February 22, 2010

Olympics, day 10

I've gotten to the point on my Handspun Tangled Yoke Cardigan where I'm ready to start the cabled yoke!

I cannot believe this sweater has gone this fast. It's gone fast even with me taking a couple of nights off after finishing the main part of the body. I didn't want to strain my wrists or hands too much so I decided not knitting for a couple of nights was the best plan.

The sleeves gave me a little bit of trouble as you can tell from my last post. I knit on them for a number of days but they never seemed to grow past my elbows. Finally on Saturday, I made my way out of the black hole of knitting and started making progress on them. Yesterday, I reached my desired length (slightly longer than the pattern calls for) and was able to join them to the body. Dad and I went to a Civil War lecture and I was able to knit my way through it. As a side note, I didn't know that there was a Civil War prison complex on Lake Erie. The speaker told us about the archeological digs he has been doing there for the last 20 years and shared stories of some of the different prisoners. It was very interesting and had the added bonus of me being able to knit through it.

Last night, I knit a little bit too far and had to tink back a couple of rows. I'm at the point where I start decreasing and doing the set-up row for the cable section. A friend and I are planning to go shopping in Columbus this evening so I'm probably not going to make too much progress tonight. I'm hoping to at least start the cabled section. It should go pretty fast just because I love doing cables so much.

1 comment:

MavenKnits said...

Wow! Is it ever beautiful!
I am not surprised about the sleeve elbow black hole situation. I have experienced it a few times, and thus decided to try knitting stripes, to make sure I'm not going crazy. Maybe a striped sweater next? :)

Looking forward to the finished project,