Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Mystery Stole

I've been so close to finishing this stole for so long now! I was finished with the last RS row and just about to do the last WS row when I saw a mistake on the wing join 6 or 8 rows back. If it had been a small mistake, I would have left it but, no, it had to be fairly major. I had somehow twisted the live stitches that I was purling together with the wing section. This resulted in a bump and it looked funny. For a solution, I put it down for a while and started the other beaded shawl. Real project commitment, huh?

This morning, I picked the mystery stole back up in order to finish it. I frogged 8 rows, corrected the mistake, and knit away happily. Over my lunch break, I was able to get to the middle of the 8th (the last WS row) when I had to go back to work. I am *this* close (holding forefinger and thumb very close together) to being able to bind off and I don't think I can stand it! I'm going to try to pick up some welding rods tonight so I can block the stole when it is finished. This should be interesting because I am all dressed up for work in a skirt and heels. Want to bet that I will get some funny looks from the people in the hardware store?

Oh, I'll start adding pictures again to this blog sooner or later. I just haven't had pictures to show recently. Sorry!

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