Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I've lost it

Normally when I say, "I've lost it," I'm referring to something like biting off more than I can chew. This time, however, "it" means my knitting mojo. I have a confession. I haven't knit anything major in a couple of weeks now.

All of my projects have been conspiring against me. Either I messed up something on the pattern or I've run out of yarn and that makes me not want to knit. I'm working on a shawl for my friend's wedding but it definitely was going to be too short. According to the pattern, I should have had enough yarn but I didn't. I think everything combined meant I didn't want to knit. So I frogged that shawl and started another pattern. Let's hope it makes me want to knit again.

I'm listening to a lot of knitting podcasts to get me out of this slump and it seems to be working a little bit. Thanks, Knitmore Girls!

Another thing that will make me want to knit again is Maryland Sheep and Wool this weekend. Yes, I'm going to Maryland! How is it the beginning of May already?! I'm getting ready with my list of things to find and am excited! Are any of you going to Maryland?

Sunday, April 04, 2010


Can someone remind me why I thought practicing seaming would be a good thing?  Arrrgh.